Cucumis - Huduma huria ya utafsirishaji mtandaoni
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Kiingereza You Failed to meet
You failed to meet the reserve price added to the domain auction in question. When a reserve price is applied to an auction, that price must be matched in order for a bidder to win the auction.

Tafsiri zilizokamilika
Kituruki Açık artırmaya eklenen asgari fiyat...
Lugha ya kimaumbile
Kituruki Şirketimiz gerek ülke geneline yayılmış ...
Şirketimiz gerek ülke geneline yayılmış bayileriyle gerek kendisi hizmet vererek yurt içi müşterilerine ulaşmaktadır. Lisanslı diyebileceğimiz program satışı yapılan müşteri sayımız yüzü aşmış bulunmaktadır.
Ayronet Salmon Group Bilişim Teknolojileri piyasanın üstün nitelikli çalışanlarını bünyesinde bulundurarak ve teknolojiyi çok iyi kullanarak müşterilerine en iyi hizmeti vermek iddiasındadır.

Tafsiri zilizokamilika
Kiingereza Our company reaches its customers...
Lugha ya kimaumbile
Kiingereza SGD Training: The classroom-based education...
SGD Training:
The classroom-based education adopts a hands-on approach, using Sun SGD
courseware and exercises to maximize your expertise in building and
maintaining SGD solutions.
The Training offers the key knowledge and skills that allow you to install and
maintain your SGD software efficiently, to fully harness the advantages of
versatile access to applications and to use each product's capabilities to
greatest effect

Tafsiri zilizokamilika
Kituruki SGD EÄŸitimi...
Lugha ya kimaumbile
Kiingereza Things went so far that the common people...
Things went so far that the common people attacked and started throwing stones while Khwaja Abdullah was seated in Mirza Shahrukh's hall of justice with the gates of equity locked against the people.

Tafsiri zilizokamilika
Kituruki olaylar o kadar ileri gitti ki...